artist Methos

AU where Methos is, and always has been, an artist. He doesn’t do it for money most of the time, or even do anything large scale. Of course he tries out different types of art and techniques over time, but mostly he illustrates his journals (it’s probably how they got started, long before diaries were a thing—he started out doing cave paintings and then transitioned to using papyrus, paper, etc.

Methos reincarnates as Adam from Forever.

So it turns out Joe was a pre-Immortal, but he’s just died his first death. And he and Duncan think he’s not going to last long because balance and footwork are kind of important in a fight. But Methos is like “great! Now that you’re immortal they’ll grow back!” And then they do, eventually, and they all live (happily ever after).

Five times Methos and Max Rockatansky encounter each other. Pre-apocalypse, one stealing from the other?, Max dying but saved by Methos, captured by the same people

Title: Survivors

The way pre-Immortal babies happen is this: when an Immortal and another Immortal come together and their Quickenings interact with each other–not just the Buzz, but serious fighting or maybe a teacher-student relationship . . . maybe some other instances too–the baby is conceived. Some amount of time later (how much time?) there’s a new pre-immortal in the same general area.

. . . somebody notices that there are a ton of pre-immortals in Seacouver and Paris.

Methos and writing–he learns how to write; nobody uses writing for more than catalogs of goods at the time. which is useful when you’re a court scribe, but not so much when you’re a lone immortal. Methos pushes the boundaries of what is conceptually possible with writing by using it as a terse travelogue/guide to immortals–nobody else has yet even considered the possibility, but those are the things he wants to remember. Later, he records other things, and eventually invents the diary millenia before the rest of the world does.

*Considers Henry as a Highlander-style immortal who has somehow managed to survive this long without meeting another immortal*

A virus was extremely efficient in wiping out the mortals. Now the Immortals are faced with figuring out how to deal with each other when they’re the only ones left. Will they be able to stop the Game? Will they go mad in isolation? Or will they finally figure out how to coexist peacefully?

Methos is working for the SGC. Something makes it so that everybody is unable to produce a language other than their first (they are still able to understand everything they usually can), which is not a problem for most but Daniel’s first spoken language was Arabic and his first written language was ancient Egyptian. Methos’s first spoken language, of course, is completely unknown nowadays. His first written language is actually the same one he still uses in his diaries (it was a primitive form, but because he thinks of it as the same it counts as the same one), but the thing is it’s largely equivalent to the IPA with a few extra bells and whistles and he can use it to write anything.

Something kills off everybody on a human colony world, and only the Immortals survive. The colony is written off by the Federation or whoever. The local flora and fauna are extremely dangerous, even to immortals, and living on the planet is a struggle with so few people; they can’t afford to play the Game, so that becomes their biggest law, punishable by exile which, at the very least, will be a miserable experience, and will probably get them killed for good and their Quickening lost. So for the first time ever, Immortals build a society. And the most amazing thing is that pre-Immortal babies are still found. For the first time, they have entire Immortal families with children (though by and large, it’s very ‘it takes a village’). When they agree that something needs to be done, they all work together like a well-oiled machine. The problem is getting them to agree that something needs to be done, since they’re all very independent.

And then contact is reestablished.

The Frenchman is an ancient Immortal who, because of reasons, once upon a time lived in Gaul or was known for killing a Gaul, so her Immortal title became Galla, but people got confused that a woman could be that badass so a lot of them thought she was a dude and called her Gallus, which she made her own and now she’s known as the Frenchman because that’s basically the translation.

Still trying to work out the Forever/Highlander crossover.

Methos walks into Abe’s Antiques. Abe walks out of the back and is like “Holy shit. Ben?!” Methos is all shit. “I beg your pardon? You must have me confused with somebody else.” They went to college together way back when.

Methos has his own system of writing that he uses in his journals. Not code per se; he uses all words from real languages. But he’s built his own phonetic alphabet, starting with the oldest alphabet he learned and built on from there because he needed more sounds to convey words from other languages. He also got lazy over time as long as he could still read what he wrote, so the letters that originally started out looking like one thing now look completely different. It’s very streamlined to write; he can do it as quickly as he can understand what’s being said, without losing a single syllable. He became enamored of punctuation when it was invented, and his alphabet has emotion markers including one for sarcasm.

Methos is Eegeria’s past and current host. The Tok’ra are riled; Jack considers the true meaning of motherhood. Read the rest of this entry »

The plague in Jeremiah wiped out all the adult Immortals too. Kenny lives it up as the only person who knows what he’s doing, but then the mortals start to grow up.

Rachel Ellenstein (Connor MacLeod’s daughter), Omar York (John Amsterdam’s son), and Abe (Henry Morgan’s son) regularly get together and sometimes discuss their fathers. (They are conveniently located in the same city, and about the same age)

Methos is Alfred Pennyworth. He’d been planning to move on soon when suddenly he had custody of a kid–and can’t abandon him because he’s got nobody else to rely on, and can’t take him with him because he’s so much in the public eye. And just when he thinks it should be safe for him to leave, costumed vigilantism! And it’s really obvious that Bruce really isn’t emotionally ready to lose him because he’s about half a step from going off the deep end, and losing Alfred would push him well beyond that point.

After he finds his one true love and starts aging again, John Amsterdam gets killed…but he wakes up again, and there’s this guy (Connor MacLeod?) standing next to him who tells him he’s an Immortal. Cue bafflement once they lay their cards on their table. The teacher saw him a few years before, and he registered as a pre-Immortal then.

The latest number is Joe Dawson. The most likely suspect is Methos’s most recent identity. (Duncan is elsewhere; Joe isn’t his Watcher anymore partly because Duncan started moving all over the place and needed a Watcher who could be more active. Joe’s running a bar in New York either because the Watchers decided to switch locations or he’s retired and the bar is his own. Methos, in his latest identity, is hanging around Joe, probably off-and-on.)

Duncan, Methos, and Amanda run into each other again in Konoha. After a bit too much celebratory drinking, they get the brilliant idea to sign up for the shinobi academy (somewhere along the way, Methos’s brain started linking drinking and school together, and now most of the times he gets drunk when he doesn’t have a life already set up, he ends up signing up for a school of some description), and since there’s technically not an upper age limit and withdrawing is all but impossible, they have to go through with it. But it’s okay, they’re on a team together.

Methos gets a redo of the past…decade, maybe? Not his whole life or even a significant portion of it, but far enough back that it’s before he met Duncan. It could be either a new experience for him or he’s had time hiccup on him before. Either way, there are things that are going to happen in the next few years that he can’t just ignore: Hunters, Kronos, the Watchers’ files getting digitized, etc. But how does he handle it? What does he choose to change or keep the same? What does he try to avoid getting involved in and in what does he accept his participation as inevitable?


I’m imagining a version where Methos convinces Darius he’s not safe in the church (and his Quickening would be lost!!!), so Darius leaves and they spend a night/weekend drinking/partying (after ditching the Watchers), possibly with Fitz as well. And then Darius goes off and does something different with his life, throwing the Watchers into confusion.

Bobby and Karen Singer were another immortal couple like the de Valincourts, one that lasted a long time against all the odds. But Immortals aren’t immune to possession…Bobby had to take her head to stop the demon, and becomes a hunter. Later, Methos? Matthew McCormick might be more fun to read, but it would be really tricky to work that plot out without shortchanging any characters.

McKay pushes for as few social scientists on the Expedition as he can get away with; Daniel, knowing this, pushes for them to be the very best. In the end it’s Methos the Immortal and Jarod the Pretender, plus a few Marines they borrow as needed. Each of them pretty much immediately figures out that the other isn’t who they say they are, so they watch each other for signs that they’re going to do some sabotage, and read each other’s emails on the sly to make sure they’re not sending messages to the Trust or anything.

Methos’s personal item is a guitar he inherited from Joe. The case “conveniently” has enough room for his sword (although he buys a few more from various planets, since you never know when you’ll need a spare). He teaches Jarod swordfighting along with other methods of fighting, because he’s in charge of making sure the people in his department are prepared to go on missions. Their department has the best injury and death statistics, even on a per capita basis.

Combined, they’re responsible for most of the food in Atlantis that people actually want to eat, one way or another–both of them try all sorts of new-to-them foods every time they go to a new world, and bring them back, although Jarod’s responsible for most of the sweets and Methos is responsible for the alcohol. They also both know how to make the foods they have available work together, and sometimes they come up with new recipes and sneak them into the kitchens–the cafeteria workers don’t know where they come from, but everybody benefits.

For Halloween, Xander dresses as an Immortal version of himself. Somebody not on the side of good (one of the evil geeks?) dresses as another Immortal. During Halloween, they meet, they fight…Xander loses his head. The other person takes a light quickening. When Halloween is over, they want to fight vampires and demons. The remaining Scoobies are understandably not so fond of them.

Duncan never realized that “Adam Pierson” was Methos, and Methos wasn’t about to tell him. Obviously, that changes some things.